This post is talking about Amy: “The Process of Storytelling”

  • Amy did a great job describing the Twine Story. This story combinate real life and story together. In particular, many students are now facing graduation. Combining the two themes of housing and job finding after graduation is in line with students’ problems today.
  • Providing some useful pictures and video in the Twine story.
  • Using the signalling principle and the segmenting principle in storytelling helps audiences make choices clearer and easier to follow the story’s changes. These principles help readers understand the story more deeply.
  • In the post, Amy provides “mirror neuron” as an example, which is connected with memory readers. This example has many similarities with the Twine story and is a good example.
  • In the post, Amy emphasized how to interact and tell stories effectively and analyzed how the principles of segmentation and personalization raise engagement and improve teaching quality.
  • Overall, Amy understands the Multimedia Learning Principles and make creative twine story and blog post.

Amy’s Post: